It’s a buyer ACCOUNT seller | Particular!. This account allows you to publish in ALL CATEGORIES | New, Used & Rental
MULTIPLE ADS: This type of account applies to DEALERS AND DISTRIBUTORS of cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, special vehicles, spare parts, services and related accessories | New, Used & Rental. | Use the Dealership account type | Distributor offers you several options and additional benefits! | Offers FREE ads! and Premium Plans of 25, 50 and 100 Ads.
This account is exclusively for commercial allied members interested in obtaining economic benefits as a FREELANCER through the Monetization of the virtual showroom photography APP. IT DOES NOT ALLOW THE POSTING OF ADS and requires administrator approval. Users can access Membership Plans to be able to offer the vehicle photography service through the GUIDED APP. It includes training by our team and joining the freelancer member directory.
TEMPORARY ACCOUNT FOR INTERNAL USE: This account IS NOT enabled for individual users and distributors or dealers and DOES NOT offer FREE ads. It requires approval from the ADMINISTRATOR and is deleted by the system in a maximum time of 2 - 4 hours. Requires Validation code.