Booking Rules and Policies

- Direct Rental

Vehicles published as direct rental in any category between advertisers (lessors) and users (lessees) are governed by the terms of publication in accordance with our “Terms and Conditions of Use” but the applicable rental policies and conditions will be those indicated by the advertiser (lessor) or prior agreement with the user (lessee).  We are not obligated or responsible in any way for any of your sharing, interaction or contractual agreements.

- Rental with Reservation

The Terms are written mainly for the car category, however, they apply to all rental categories available on our portal: Cars, Taxis, Motorcycles, Buses, Trucks, Heavy Equipment, Nautical, Aircraft & Limousines.
Alibamotors S.A.S, allows our clients and users to publish any type of vehicle with a “reservation” option through our SITE Publications will be subject to our “Terms and conditions of use” and the contractual rental conditions between advertisers and users must be governed according to the following conditions:
The advertiser, be it a company, rental agency or individual, for the purposes of these terms from now on, is “THE LESSOR” and the user “THE LESSEE”.
Alibamotors S.A.S, acts as an intermediary in the contracting of vehicle reservations that THE LESSOR makes available to you, through our platform.
We are not the final provider of this service, therefore, we are not obliged, directly or indirectly, to be responsible for the failure to provide the services offered by THE LESSOR, nor for any damages caused by them. 
By completing a reservation posted on our SITE, you automatically accept these Terms and Conditions ("Terms"), as well as our Privacy Policy, which represent the agreement we have with our Client (LESSOR).
As we only act as intermediaries in the marketing of the rental services offered by THE LESSOR, in these terms we make clear the information that can guide you regarding the rules and obligations that THE LESSORS usually require, but you must also pay attention to the Terms & Conditions, taxes, as well as the laws and regulations in Colombia, the country in which you make the reservation.

Specific restrictions and/or inclusions may apply that are not covered in the examples listed here. Always review the particular conditions of each service and LESSOR that you are about to hire.
As mere intermediaries in this relationship, we have no influence over the specific conditions established by each LESSOR.
As we are constantly improving, we update our Terms frequently, either restricting our services or adding new security measures for your adherence, without prior notice. Therefore, please check back on this page as often as possible to stay up to date with our changes.
We also reserve the right to suspend our system for repair, security or maintenance. But don't worry, we will make sure that all the reservations you complete in our system are valid.
If you have any questions and need our help, see if we have not already clarified it on our FAQ page, or contact us through our Customer Service or our WhatsApp.

 1.1 The Voucher (Reservation Confirmation Document) is the confirmation of your reservation in our system with the LESSEE and THE LESSOR. It is individual and non-transferable, and must be in the name of the person who will actually use the vehicle: THE LESSEE. As soon as your reservation is confirmed on our SITE, we will send you the Voucher to your email registered with us, as well as these Terms & Conditions.
1.2 The Voucher must be printed and delivered to the LESSOR that offers the service, and will only be valid if all the data contained in it (such as name of the holder, confirmation number, dates, times, places of pick-up and return of the vehicle, among others) are correct at the time of picking up the vehicle at the rental counter or agreed location.
1.2.1 Your failure to present it or the discovery of discrepancies between the information entered therein and that presented at the time of pick-up of the vehicle may prevent the use of your reservation and, consequently, make it impossible to use the vehicle, configuring the called Turn-down, and subject to the fees and charges inherent to it (more information in item 6).

2.1 There are some rules issued by rental companies or individuals (LESSOR) so that you can collect and use the vehicle. Any additional drivers included in the reservation will be subject to the same rules. Below we list some, as well as some restrictions applied by THE LESSOR. This list is not exhaustive, and may vary depending on the rental company or the individual renting, so you must be attentive to the particularities of the reservation. Keep in mind that in the case of other categories such as rental of boats, limousines, heavy equipment, aircraft, etc., the conditions may have special connotations because the rental includes a driver or pilot.  
2.2 It is your sole responsibility to enter the data correctly, review it and comply with all the requirements listed below to avoid possible rejection by the LESSOR when opening your rental contract.
2.3 Requirements for Vehicle Rental.
Minimum age of the renter/driver: 18 years is the general rule; however, some LESSORS may require a higher minimum age. Therefore, we recommend that you consult the LESSOR's rules. Drivers under 18 years of age (but who have a permanent driver's license) or over 70 years of age are subject to additional fees from LESSORS or even more restrictive rules. Please inform yourself about this possibility, or you will run the risk of having your reservation denied when picking up the vehicle.
Driver's License: Your License must be from your country of nationality, original, issued at least two years ago, valid for the entire period of your reservation and must be presented in its physical version (the digital version may be rejected by the rental company ). You must also present your International Driver's License, and your original passport issued by your country of origin and valid for the entire period of your reservation if you are a foreigner.
Credit Card: which must be physical (virtual modalities may be rejected by lessors), informing the name of the holder expressly, with a limit for the security deposit, explained in item 12 of this Term.
Original passport if you are not Colombian: regardless of your nationality, present your original passport, issued by your country of origin and valid for the entire period of your reservation. Always have it at hand.
Signing the rental contract with THE LESSOR: It is likely that the rental contract is available in other languages, but in Colombia the official language is Spanish. Make sure you understand its contents, as a claim of ignorance will not invalidate any contracts made.

3.1 Failure to comply with the rules listed above, incorrect compliance, failure to present the requested documents or lack of necessary information on your part that makes the removal of the vehicle impossible is your sole responsibility.
3.2 Provision of App Driver and Private Driver Service: Please ensure that the advertiser has established this service within the published advertisement or confirm with the advertiser before booking if the service is available.
3.3 Use of Substances: It is prohibited to drive under the influence of any substance that may compromise your psychomotor capacity. LESSORS may refuse to complete the vehicle rental process if they observe that the lessee, the driver, is not fit to drive.
3.3.1 This may occur because the driver appears to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medications that impair his or her psychomotor capacity, or because he or she appears to be psychologically or physically incapable of driving the vehicle (adopting aggressive and/or harmful behavior).
3.4 Analysis by the LESSOR: it is possible that, at the time of collecting the vehicle, THE LESSOR may refuse to carry out the rental process with you considering that there is some risk in proceeding with your reservation, which is analyzed according to the internal criteria of each rental company.
3.4.1 This may occur due to the existence of restrictions with credit protection agencies or other analyzes carried out by the lessor on its behalf, on factors that may be considered risk.
3.4.2 These consultations will be carried out exclusively by THE LESSOR at the time of collection of the vehicle, Alibamotors, S.A.S not having any control and/or intervention in these procedures, which are the exclusive option of each LESSOR.
3.4.3 In case of denial and, consequently, Turn-down configuration (Refusal of Lease), you may be charged any fee, provided for in item 5 of this Term, which will depend on the policy of each LESSOR.

4.1 THE LESSOR may need to change something in your reservation. In these cases, we will notify you as soon as possible and find a suitable solution for you.
4.2 In the event that you need to change something in your reservation, contact the advertiser (LESSOR) directly.
4.3 To change your reservation. Before the vehicle pick-up date: contact the advertiser (LESSOR) through any of the telephone numbers and service channels. The changes are subject to a new analysis of availability by the LESSOR, new values ​​and different exchange rates, which may generate a rate update. 
At the Rental Counter or LESSOR site: If changes are requested at the time of picking up the vehicle, THE LESSOR will charge you directly for any extra. It is possible that the amounts charged at the service desk are higher than those previously contracted or offered on ALIBAMOTOR.COM, when you made the reservation, since rates may vary, without ALIBAMOTOR S.A.S having any control or responsibility over it.

5.1 The cancellation of the reservation can be requested through any of the channels offered by the advertiser or LESSOR.
Please pay attention to the specific rules and fees that may apply to you, which are detailed in these terms.
5.2 When the client (LESSEE) cancels the reservation before the scheduled pick-up time of the vehicle, before refunding the client (LESSEE) they may withhold the value corresponding to 10% of the total value of their reservation:
5.3 LESSORS retention fees - In addition to the fee provided in point 5.2, LESSORS may charge their own retention fees.
5.3.1 If the LESSOR's retention fee is charged, only the higher of the LESSOR's fee and the rate indicated in clause 5.2 will be charged.
5.4 Refund of the remaining value (after deducting applicable fees) will occur as detailed in point 10 of this Term.
5.5 Once cancellation is requested, the reservation can no longer be reactivated or used.

6.1 Some LESSORS do not allow more than one reservation to be made, for the same period, in the name of the same person. Therefore, if you need to make more than one reservation on behalf of the same person, please contact the advertiser (LESSOR) so they can assist you. Alibamotors S.A..S is not responsible for automatic cancellations by the rental company. Remember that we are only intermediaries by allowing the LANDLORD to use our SITE to promote their services.
7.1 Your rental period begins and ends according to the dates and times indicated on your Voucher.
7.2 Picking up on a date or time different from that scheduled for the start of your reservation and/or returning it on a date or time different from that scheduled on the Voucher does not ensure the availability of the vehicle, the maintenance of your reservation or refund for unused periods.
7.2.1 Tolerance of delays in collection: some LESSORS have a maximum tolerance of 29 (twenty-nine) minutes of delay after the time specified in the Voucher for the collection of the vehicle. However, there are LESSORS who do not have any tolerance, and your reservation will be automatically canceled, characterizing your delay as a no-show, subject to the respective rates and charges, provided for in section 8 of this Term.
7.2.2 Tolerance of delays in return: returning the vehicle at a time later than specified in its receipt may imply additional charges by the LESSOR.
7.3 Regardless of the reason or nature of your delay (airline delay, flight replacement due to overbooking, heavy traffic, health issues, etc.), it is imperative that you notify the pickup location as soon as you become aware of the delay. If you have any difficulties, contact the lessor advertiser immediately and if possible avoid the automatic cancellation of your reservation.
7.4 Alibamotors S.A.S is not responsible for modifications, returns, advances or delays on your part.

8. NO-SHOW  
8.1 The No-Show occurs when you do not show up at the office on the scheduled date and time (nor cancel within the deadline), or arrive at the location indicated by THE LESSOR after the tolerance period, regardless of the reason.
8.2 In case of No-show, the advertiser may charge up to 20% of the total value of the reservation or according to its contractual terms.
8.2.1 In addition to this penalty, some LESSORS have their own fines that may be applied in case of no-show. In this case, only the highest fine between the company's fine and the fine indicated in point 8.2 above will be charged.
9.1 Turn-Down is the refusal of the contract by the company and occurs when you do not present all the requirements required by the company for the effective removal of the vehicle. Therefore, before making a reservation, it is important to know the internal rules of the LESSOR, available on its website or published in the advertisement on our portal.
9.2 In these situations, the vehicle will not be available and your reservation will be cancelled, which may result in a corresponding charge of up to 20% of the total reservation value.
9.2.1 Some LESSORS have their own fines that may be applied in case of refusal of the reservation. In this case, only the highest fine between the LESSOR's fine and the fine indicated in point 9.2 above will be charged.

When making payment directly with THE LESSOR (Payment at destination), any chargeback or refund must be handled with THE LESSOR.  You are subject to the LESSOR's refund policies
11. SECURITY DEPOSIT (Guarantee Value)  
11.1 Some LESSORS require a security deposit to cover any damages that may occur during your reservation. THE LESSOR may retain this guarantee (or part of it) if it finds damage to the vehicle, violations, extra expenses, contracts made over the counter, etc.
11.1.1 To know the exact amount that can be blocked as collateral, consult with THE LESSOR. Several variables can affect this calculation, and only THE LANDLORD will be able to inform you accurately. 
11.1.2 Some of the Extra Expenses that may be charged (not described in the Voucher) are: traffic fines, damages or breakdowns caused to the rented and uncovered vehicle, cleaning fee, fuel, tolls, optional protections, services and accessories contracted for directly at the rental counter, among others.
11.2 If the LESSOR requires it, you must present a valid credit card, in the name of the reservation holder, in physical version (the digital credit card may be rejected by the rental company), with your name expressed (and in high relief, for international rentals) and linked to the banking institution, as well as a sufficient limit available to retain the credit. Additionally, for rentals to foreigners, the credit card must be valid for international use.
11.3 This amount is blocked on the credit card on the day of collection of the vehicle and will be released as requested by the rental company after its return, when it is verified that the reservation has been made regularly and in accordance with the contract.
11.4 It may take up to 30 days for the money to return to your credit card statement. This depends on your card issuer. If even after this time the amount remains blocked in your credit limit, contact the vehicle collection location and/or your bank.
11.5 As this is a financial transaction, the amounts that refer to taxes may be withheld in accordance with current regulations.
Keep in mind that returns may vary according to the LESSOR, taking as a reference that individual LESSORS, in most cases, have fewer restrictive conditions in this process.  All of the above are general rules and in any case, the conditions and terms are those that you agree with the LESSOR.

12.1 Some LESSORS offer the possibility of returning the vehicle to a location other than where it was collected, upon payment of a specific fee. Inform THE LESSOR in advance which locations have this option, as well as the rate they charge for it. You will pay this fee directly to the LESSOR.
12.2 The return of a vehicle to a location other than the pick-up location must be expressly stated in the rental contract, so that the return of the vehicle to an establishment other than the one supposedly defined does not constitute a "breach of contract" and will involve even more charges for part of the rental company.
14.1 If the fuel exemption has not been contracted by you (either at the time of the reservation published on the SITE or requested at the rental counter), you must return the vehicle with the fuel tank in the same condition in which it was purchased. delivered to him (usually full).
14.2 In case of non-supply, THE LESSOR may charge proportionally based on its own price list (which may be higher than those of the service stations at the destination). We recommend that you keep proof of the recharge made immediately before the delivery of the vehicle, to facilitate your defense against any charge that seems unjustified by the rental company.

14.1 The crossing of borders between municipalities, departments or countries: Some LESSORS may prohibit depending on the location, or incur additional charges that may be deducted from your security deposit or collected later by THE LESSOR. Please confirm your itinerary in advance and what fees may be charged in these cases.
14.2 In case of traffic violations: the payment and civil and criminal responsibility for the fines will be exclusively yours, with the traffic agency. THE LESSOR may reserve the right to intermediate and/or advance payments, and then collect them directly from you, along with the administrative expenses of the rental company itself.
14.3 Smoking is prohibited inside the vehicles: The fines applied vary from one rental company to another and can be confirmed at their service desk. Its collection will be exclusively the responsibility of the leasing company.
15.1 The returns that THE LESSOR may owe you must be processed directly with them, Alibamotors S.A.S not having any responsibility in this regard.

16.1 Vehicles are reserved by the category and specifications indicated in the advertisement.
16.2 Upgrade Offer: it is common for THE LESSOR, at the time of picking up the vehicle, to offer a category upgrade with an additional cost, to be paid directly to them.
16.3 Luggage: the luggage capacity is merely indicative, and may be reduced or non-existent depending on the balance between the number of occupants of the vehicle and the suitcases you wish to transport.
16.3.1 Alibamotors S.A.S is not responsible for non-compliance with the reservation or additional charge for change of category in cases where the number of passengers and/or luggage exceeds the capacity of the reserved vehicle.
17.1 As we have no influence on the availability of the vehicles offered by THE LESSOR, we cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with their obligations.

18.1 When removing the vehicle, verify its documentation, as well as the existence of safety accessories: tire, spare tire, jack, wheel wrench, warning triangle and fuel tank level in the case of cars, the same You must do it according to any other type, such as motorcycle, heavy machinery, boat, etc.
18.2 Accompany the car inspection: both at the pick-up and return of the vehicle, if possible. Verify, indicate and relate in the checklist the conditions of cleanliness, hygiene, conservation, damages and/or breakdowns in the rented vehicle.
18.3 THE LESSOR may charge for the repair of damages caused by you during the rental period of your vehicle, as well as the cleaning and disinfection fee based on its own table of values, and other intercurrent administrative fees for any damage and/or observed fault.
18.4 Alibamotors S.A.S has no influence in the verification and collection of damages and/or breakdowns, nor access to information in this regard before THE LESSOR. Unfortunately, we are only intermediaries with no obligation or responsibility on our part.
19.1 In the event of an accident, theft or damage to the rented vehicle, immediately notify the rental company to receive information on how to proceed. It is usually necessary to present the Police Report at the place where the incident occurred, as well as fill out the accident report with the rental company within a maximum period of 24 hours.
19.2 Regardless of whether the accident is attributable to you or a third party, please note that THE LESSOR will charge you for any damage and/or damage to the vehicle (or your deductible).

20.1 Request or verify whether there is mandatory protection in the reservations you make on our SITE. It is important that you have Risk Coverage and Mandatory Protection included. To do this, you will be subject to the clauses present in the rental contract of the rental company. As a general rule, coverage excludes, among others, the following elements: accessories, damaged rim, damaged wheel, suspension damaged by holes or guides, broken windshield, damage caused by flood or any other natural phenomenon, loss or damage of vehicle key and/or documentation. These items may vary between LESSORS and must be confirmed when picking up the vehicle. Please carefully review the protection and coverage details available in your reservation.
20.2 If you are interested in contracting the available protections, or if you do not agree with the conditions presented, please contact us to provide you with coverage options for your reservation.
20.3 Alibamotors S.A.S is not responsible for the non-INCLUSION of policies in your reservation.
20.4 Co-participation values ​​and/or deductibles: when applicable, the amounts and rates of co-participation and/or deductibles will be determined in the rental contract and, in the event of breakdowns or damage caused to the vehicle, the collection will be made directly by THE LESSOR to you, in accordance with article 9 of this Term. In addition to these costs, THE LESSOR may also charge for the period in which the vehicle was stopped for maintenance. Make sure of these charges at the time of opening the lease.
20.5 Residents in Colombia. If you are Colombian or resident and make a reservation for your use, you may be able to make reservations without contracting mandatory protection. In these cases, THE LESSOR will check, when collecting the vehicle, if it has other forms of protection (such as personal insurance, insurance benefited by banking entities, among others). However, it is possible that THE LESSOR, at its own discretion, does not accept your other form of protection, thus being able to deny your reservation.

Remember: ALIBAMOTORS does not guarantee the availability and prices of vehicles published on the SITE by THE LESSOR.  The prices of the Vehicles published on the SITE are established by THE LESSOR and not by ALIBAMOTORS.

Any discrepancy or error regarding availability, price and condition of the vehicles published on the SITE is the responsibility of the LESSOR.

Keep in mind that the TERMS AND CONDITIONS valid under the law are those that you as the LESSEE sign with the LESSOR.

If you have any questions regarding the terms of service contained in this document you can contact us at

The validity of the aforementioned conditions will depend on their exposure and will be in force until they are modified by others duly published on the SITE.

Governing Law: These terms will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Colombia.
These Terms and Conditions were last updated on July 16, 2024.

You can also consult our PRIVACY POLICY  and our TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE 


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